Monday, March 5, 2007

Project Suubi

Blogs tend to be narcissistic endeavors. Authors standing a soapboxes, noses high in the air, explaining why other people’s opinions are wrong and their own are right. See any of my previous entries for examples of this.

So it’s refreshing to read a blog that’s not so self-indulgent. My friend Lauren (of fame) is in Uganda for a few months volunteering at various orphanages and schools. Her entries are troubling, inspiring, always compelling, and generally funnier than mine.

I’m having a little trouble getting going this morning, so rather than wasting time here, you might check out Lauren’s blog. On it, she’s selling CD’s of various local LA bands (music connection since this is a music blog) in an effort to raise money for her program (Project Suubi). If you have the means, I highly encourage you to buy one or to donate directly. It’s a rare instance of charity, where you can both donate anonymously but also read about the affects of your donation first hand. The link to her blog is below.

Project Suubi

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